Free West Papua Campaign Newsletter
March 2014

Tensions are rising across the Pacific as the time for making a decision on West Papua's entry to the Melanesian Spearhead Group approaches. At the same time more people in West Papua are given long prison sentences just for raising their own flag. The story of West Papua needs to continue to spread. Please remember to tell all your friends about what is happening and follow all the updates at our facebook page where we will shortly be announcing dates of a big demonstration.


Three year prison sentence for raising West Papuan flag

On 11th Fevruary the district court of Biak, sentenced Oktavianus Warnares to three years imprisonment for raising the "Morning Star" flag in Biak on May 1, 2013. Four others were also sentenced for the same "offence". The men were arrested after the Indonesian police and military opened fire into a crowd of people gathered for a flag-raising ceremony on the 50th anniversary of Indonesia’s annexation of West Papua...

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Guardian report Papuans ‘beaten and had guns held to head’

A report in the Guardian newspaper recounts the shocking story of a violent interrogation carried out by the Indonesian military and police in a village in the Puncak Jaya region of West Papua. The report details how villagers were woken up at 3am...

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Fijian opposition officially supports West Papua

The Fijian opposition has slammed Indonesian bribery and interference in the internal affairs of Melanesia and calls for support for the people of West Papua. The United Front for a Democratic Fiji has accused the Indonesian government of...

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Walk the Kokoda Trail for a Free West Papua

Kokoda is a world famous trail in Papua New Guinea where Papuans fought alongside Australians to help to liberate New Guinea from Japanese control during the Second World War as they did throughout New Guinea. The so called “Fuzzy Wuzzy”…

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Free West Papua Campaign

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Free West Papua Campaign newsletter March 2014