By Banjir Ambarita on 11:42 am Mar 13, 2014


Jayapura. Tension between the Moni and Dani tribes in Papua continued to flare after police reported that six houses were burned to the ground on Wednesday, a day after Indonesia’s Mobile Brigade (Brimob) shot dead two men in Kuala Kencana district.

“The fire was started by Yulius Hanau’s faction within the Moni Tribe,” Papua Police spokesman Sr. Cmr. Sulistyo Pujo said. “They burned houses owned by the Dani tribe. The clash was inevitable.”

Sulistyo said police personnel and Indonesian soldiers had secured the location.

“We put the police and the army on standby,” Sulistyo said. ”They also separated the two tribes and built posts on both parties’ areas to avoid further clashes.”

The increased friction between the tribes began a month ago over a land dispute. Seven people have died since then, including Elpinus Magal and Joen Wandagau, two Moni men shot dead by police on Tuesday.

The shooting was still under investigation, police said.

“We’re questioning our personnel,” Papua Police Chief Inspector General Tito Karnavian said.