A side event at the human rights council organised by the Asian Legal
Resource Center (ALRC), Franciscans International
(FI), International Coalition for Papua (ICP), Pro Papua Foundation,  Tapol,
Vivat International, West Papua Netzwerk (WPN), on

Thursday, June 12, 2014
14:30 – 16:30 (CEST, UTC+2), Room XXII
Palais des Nations, Geneva
Live Webcast <">http://www.ustream.tv/channel/human-rights-papua>

West Papua in Indonesia remains an isolated conflict region to which UN
mechanisms, foreign journalist and independent observers have not free
access. Indigenous Papuans are regularly imprisoned for the peaceful
expression of political opinions, demonstrations violently dispersed and
journalists intimidated.

At the end of April 2014, there were at least 72 political prisoners in West
Papua. There was a major deterioration in respect for the rights of
political detainees during 2013. Reported cases of torture and ill-treatment
in detention tripled while the number of cases involving
unfair trials or denial of access to lawyers doubled. The lack of access to
appropriate healthcare and the intimidation of detainees and their
lawyers are also key concerns. Activists and peaceful protesters are
routinely subjected to surveillance, threats, harassment and beatings,
and sometimes killed or disappeared. The situation has caused considerable
numbers of internally displaced people and refugees.

The side event will be live streamed at


Victor Mambor
Alliacance of Independent Journalists, Papua Chapter, Jayapura, Papua,

Esther Cann
Tapol, UK

Budi Hernawan
Franciscans International, New York

Benjamin Joku
Pro Papua Foundation, Netherlands

Moderator: Norman Voß, International Coalition for Papua