Tensions are rising in West Papua as calls for a mass boycott of the Indonesian Presidential elections on July 9th increase. The Indonesian military threatened to destroy West Papuans who refuse to vote. Benny Wenda has released a statement explaining the background to the boycott and calling for the world to keep a close watch on developments in West Papua.


Indonesian military crackdown on West Papuans who refuse to vote in the Indonesian Presidential elections.

On Wednesday July 9th West Papuan people will boycott the Indonesian Presidential elections. If there was any democratic space for us in West Papua we would be able to freely express our political opinions. Instead, Major General Zebua of the Indonesian Army has publicly threatened to destroy West Papuans who refuse to vote. In the last week people have been arrested and tortured for choosing not to vote. On Sunday he put his forces on full alert...

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West Papua welcomed into MSG with conditions

We are very happy to report that a landmark meeting was held in Port Moresby by member nations of the regional body, the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) and attended by the representative governments of Papua New Guinea (PNG), Solomon…

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Indonesian police shoot at crowd injuring three West Papuans

Three West Papuans have been seriously injured today after police from the notorious Brimob (Mobile Brigade) shot into a crowd. The incident occurred this morning in Moanemani, Nabire. The crowd had formed at the police station calling for justice after...

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West Papua: no-one’s colony

The Pacific Network on Globalization and The Pacific Islands News Association has published an extensive article, outlying the fundamental rights of the West Papuan people and why under UN law, West Papua must be re-enlisted on the UN list of non-self governing territories …

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