Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) chairwoman Megawati Soekarnoputri is set to accompany the party's presidential candidate, Joko “Jokowi” Widodo, to campaign in Papua, as the month-long presidential campaign period began on Wednesday.

PDI-P secretary-general Tjahjo Kumolo said Jokowi was scheduled to leave Jakarta for Papua at 11 p.m. on Wednesday night.

“[He will depart] together with Ibu Megawati. Campaigning will take place in Puncak Wamena and Jayapura,” Tjahjo said during a coordination meeting at the PDI-P's headquarters in Lenteng Agung, South Jakarta, on Wednesday, as quoted by

After Papua, Jokowi is scheduled to travel to North Sumatra and Riau Islands.

Meanwhile, vice-presidential candidate Jusuf Kalla, accompanied by NasDem Party chairman Surya Paloh, will launch their campaign efforts in Aceh, followed by several areas across Sumatra and Sulawesi.

“Time is short. He [Jokowi] will attend election debates during the weekdays. He will also continue to travel as many areas as he can to visit and listen to the wishes of his constituents,” Tjahjo said.

He added that Megawati was also set to visit the grave of her late father, Sukarno, in Blitar, East Java.

“For any regional leaders who are in Jakarta on June 8, they are all invited by Ibu Megawati and her family to attend the first year anniversary of the passing of Bapak Taufiq Kiemas [Megawati's husband] at her home on Jl. Teuku Umar [in Mentneg, Central Jakarta],” Tjahjo added.

He said he had also instructed all the party's regional executive leaders to hold a prayer event for Taufiq, a former People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR) speaker, together with orphans in their respective regions on the same day.