Police officer Brig. Asriadi was stabbed and killed as he tried to disperse a gambling group at Youtefa Market in Abepura, Jayapura on Wednesday.

Asriadi, a member of the Tanah Hitam Police precinct’s motorcycle unit, and his colleague Brig. Samsul Huda, who attended the scene, were reportedly stoned and chased by around 100 gamblers. The officers fled and attempted to hide in a kiosk at the market.

“But unfortunately, Asriadi fell down and was mobbed and stabbed by the gamblers,” said Herman, a trader at the market.

Samsul, who tried to help Asriadi, was also stabbed. The gamblers grabbed Samsul’s weapon and ammunition before fleeing the scene. Samsul was rushed to Bhayangkara Police Hospital.

Papua Police spokesman Snr. Comr. Pudjo Sulistyo said police were still searching for the gamblers that stole the police weapon.

Pudjo added that a man was found dead near the gambling venue. “We are still identifying the victim and the cause of the death.”