Police in Papua are questioning two French journalists over allegations they have developed a special relationship with an armed group in Jayawijaya, Papua.

“They are still being questioned. We have as yet not come to any conclusion,” Papua Police spokesman Sr. Com. Sulistyo Pudjo said as quoted by Antara on Friday.

The two journalists have been identified as Charles Thomas Tendeis, 40, and 25-year-old Valentine Sailen.

Tendeis was arrested because he was conducting journalistic work while on a tourist visa.

He had interviewed a number of supporters of the armed group believed to be the part of the separatist Free Papua Movement (OPM).

Jayawijaya Police chief Adj. Sr. Comr. Adolof Beay earlier said that the pair was arrested in Wamena on Wednesday night.

The two were riding motorcycles along with local residents, which drew police attention as the region is considered prone to shooting incidents.

Local police personnel stopped them and made the arrests.