The Jakarta Post, Merauke | Archipelago | Sat, October 11 2014, 8:34 AM


A team from the Cenderawasih Military Command (Kodam) in Jayapura, Papua, is continuing to investigate the death of Second Corporal Nanan, a member of the 320 battalion, who was initially believed to have shot himself at the Makadi command post in Merauke on Wednesday.

Regiment 174 commander Brig. Gen. Supartodi told the Antara news agency in Merauke on Friday that the team, led by the Kodam’s Military Police chief, was trying to determine whether Nanan’s death was the result of suicide or other causes. 

“The team has just left for the incident scene at the Makadi command post, so we have yet to know the outcome,” said Supartodi, adding that the investigative team would also be questioning personnel from Battalion 320 who were manning the post.

Besides waiting for the results of the investigation, he said his command was also waiting for the results of an autopsy conducted at a hospital outside Merauke.

Nanan’s body was sent to his home village in West Java on Wednesday. He had been found dead with two gunshot wounds, one of them to his head.