The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Archipelago | Thu, August 21 2014, 10:55 PM


The transfer of two French journalists, currently being detained in Papua’s provincial capital of Jayapura, from the immigration office to the Papua Police was delayed on Thursday as the police had not prepared a proper detention cell.

Roberth Charles Dandois and Valentina Burrot of French television station Arte TV have been named suspects by the Jayapura Immigration Office for carrying out journalistic work while on tourist visas.

Aside from the immigration-violation charges, the pair is also suspected of developing a relationship with members of the separatist Free Papua Movement (OPM) in Wamena during their stay.

Jayapura Immigration Office chief Gardu Tampubulon said the two journalists would be transferred to Papua Police detention center as soon as the police had prepared separate holding rooms for the pair.

“The transfer will still take place once the police have prepared two separate rooms for each of the pair,” Gardu said on Thursday as quoted by Antara.

The French nationals were arrested in Wamena on Aug. 6 after police received information on the pair’s activities in meeting separatist groups and videotaping the encounters. They were handed to the immigration authorities on Aug. 9. The police have since confiscated their footage and equipment.

The pair is facing charges of violating Article 122 of the 2011 Immigration Law

The Jayapura Immigration Office is still completing administrative procedures for the pair’s transfer, which was originally scheduled for Thursday.

When a lawyer representing the French Embassy in Jakarta requested that both journalists be put on city arrest, the immigration authorities declined the request citing safety concerns.