Police have set up a team to investigate gunfire exchanged between members of the 756th infantry battalion and officers of Kelapa Dua Police’s Mobile Brigade (Brimob) in Lanny Jaya, Papua on Monday. The incident resulted in the injury of military commander Lt. Ali Okta, who was wounded in his left leg.

“Today, I will go to Pirime, Lanny Jaya, to investigate the incident,” Papua Police chief Insp. Yotje Mande told reporters on Tuesday.

Mande said the gunshots occurred after police officers Kelapa Dua, Depok, West Java, were sent to Papua to conduct a raid on motorists in the regency. “At that time a military officer in plainclothes refused to be checked and walked away toward a nearby military post.”

According to Mende, gunshots were then heard emanating from the military post which was answered by gunshots by police officers.