By Jakarta Globe on 12:15 am Oct 29, 2014


menteri-pemberdayaan-perempuan-261014-aw-11-213x300Jakarta. The minister for women’s empowerment and child protection, Yohana S. Yambise, says she will focus on analyzing several laws regarding child protection and gender issues.

“I will look at the law on child protection. I will make some analyses first. One sure thing is that I will work on programs in accordance with the presidential program,” Yohana said on Tuesday as quoted by Republika.

“In addition I will also evaluate regulations on gender,” Yohana said, but did not elaborate.

Previously, the government stated that it would expedite amendments to the 2002 Child Protection Law. The revision aims to strengthen prevention of child abuse and violence in Indonesia. It would also included harsher punishment for child abuse perpetrators and improved children’s rights in line with the International Convention on Children’s Rights.

Born in Manokwari, Papua, on Oct. 1, 1958, Yohana is a professor at Cenderawasih University. She was the first woman from Papua to become a professor and also the first woman from the country’s easternmost province to become a minister.

She has been active in the field of women’s empowerment in the province and children’s education and obtained a master’s degree in education from Simon Fraser University in British Columbia, Canada, in 1994, and a Ph.D. from the University of Newcastle, Australia, in 2007.