Nethy Dharma Somba, The Jakarta Post, Jayapura | Archipelago | Fri, December 05 2014, 7:44 PM


Papua Police chief Insp. Gen. Yotje Mende said he would provide three days for whomever was behind the recent shooting death of two police’s Mobile Brigade (Brimob) personnel in IIaga, Papua. If they failed to show up, he added, a team would be sent to hunt find them.

“I have given them time to surrender. If they don’t want to use it then my team will hunt them down, dead or alive,” he said Friday.

He said the team comprised 100 personnel who would be fully equipped. He added that he had told his subordinates that it was not a mission of vengeance.

“I warned them that we would not tolerate any violations,” he said.

Puncak Regent William Wandik said he supported the mission and condemned the recent murder of two Brimob personnel.

“It was very violent, to kill law enforcement personnel while they were assisting local residents prepare for Christmas,” he said.

He acknowledged there had been a rising trend in the province for certain individuals taking police or military rifles by force to be rewarded with certain privileges.

“The motive behind the killing is never about freedom but crime,” he said.

Two Brimob personnel, Adj. Second Insp. Thomson Siahaan and Second Brig. Everson were shot by a group of unidentified persons while helping locals prepare for a Christmas celebration in Ilaga, Puncak regency’s capital.

The remains of the two police personnel have been buried in their respective hometowns.