Nethy Dharma Somba, The Jakarta Post, Jayapura | Archipelago | Wed, December 03 2014, 7:21 PM


People in Ilaga, the capital of Puncak regency in Papua, are scared about what is going to happen next after two Papua Police Mobile Brigade (Brimob) personnel were shot dead when they were preparing a Christmas celebration at Kemah Injil Indonesia (GKI Klasis) Paniai church in Ilaga at around 9:30 a.m. local time on Wednesday.

“I’ve just received a report that fear is gripping Ilaga after the shooting. Security officers have continued to stay on guard as local residents are still scared to carry out their activities. They’d rather stay at home, while some others have gathered at government offices, waiting for the situation to return to normal,” said Penilus Balinal, a Puncak Legislative Council member, in Jayapura on Wednesday.

He said it was hoped that the Papua Police could immediately dispatch security officers to provide security in Ilaga so that the activities of both government offices and local residents could get back to normal.

Penilus said the incident might expand and take more victims unless it was immediately handled.

The situation was even more frightening because security officers had burned down several honai (traditional Papuan houses) while pursuing the gunmen, who remain at large.

The shooting occurred when the two Brimob personnel, Second Insp. Thomson Siahaan and Second Brig. Everson, together with the GKI Klasis congregation, were carrying chairs to be used in the church’s Christmas celebration.

“They were bringing chairs and tents to be put in front of the church from a truck when a group of criminals shot them. They died at the location,” Papua Police spokesperson Sr. Comr. Pudjo Sulistyo said in Jayapura.

Thomson was reportedly shot in his chest and leg, while Everson was shot on the head.

The bodies of the two Brimob personnel are at Ilaga community health center and will be evacuated to the Papua Police’s Brimob headquarters in Jayapura on Thursday.