Beste mensen,
Met gemengde gevoelens sturen wij u in de bijlage, vooruitlopend op het bezoek van President Joko Widodo aan Nederland op 21 en 22 april a.s.,
het zojuist uitgekomen Country report on Human Rights Practises 2015 van Indonesiƫ.
Zie ook:
Stichting Pro Papua
Koen J. de Jager



Indonesia is a multiparty democracy. In 2014 voters elected Joko Widodo (commonly known as Jokowi) as president. Domestic and international observers judged the 2014 legislative and presidential elections free and fair. Civilian authorities generally maintained effective control over security forces.
Despite high-profile arrests and convictions, widespread corruption remained a problem, and some elements within the government, judiciary, and security forces obstructed corruption investigations and persecuted their accusers. The government failed to conduct transparent, public investigations into some allegations of unjustified killings, torture, and abuse by security forces. Elements within the government applied treason, blasphemy, defamation, and decency laws to limit freedom of expression and assembly.
Police inaction, abuse of prisoners and detainees, harsh prison conditions, insufficient protections for religious and social minorities, trafficking in persons, child labor, and failure to enforce labor standards and worker rights continued as problems.
On some occasions the government punished officials who committed abuses, but sentencing often was not commensurate with the severity of offenses, as was true in other types of crimes.
Separatist guerrillas in Papua killed members of the security forces and injured others in several attacks.
