

Reporter: Evarukdijati, Fardah

Jayapura, Papua (ANTARA) - Nine civilians died after being shot at and tortured by a terror group in Nogolaid, Nduga District, Papua Province.

"It is true that there were attacks on civilians, causing 10 of them to suffer gunshot wounds and led to nine of them losing their lives," Director of Criminal Investigation at the Papua Regional Police Senior Commissioner Faizal Rahmadani stated here on Saturday.

The police official spoke of not having received a complete report on the chronology of the ambush incident, as his members had prioritized evacuating the victims.

"Currently, officers are conducting an investigation to determine whether there are more victims in the incident," he remarked.

The dead victims were identified by their names as Rev. Elias Serbaye (54), Yulius Watu, (23), Habertus Goti (41), Daenk Maramli (41), Taufan Amir (42), Johan (26), Alex (45), Yuda Hurusinga, Has Jon (41), and Sirajudi (27).

Another victim, Sudirman, is currently in a critical condition. All victims have been evacuated to the Kenyam Health Center.

The senior commissioner said the perpetrators belong to a criminal group led by Egianus Kogoya.

Currently, the Cartenz Peace Task Force team is at the crime scene (TKP) along with officers of the Nduga Police and the Indonesian Defense Forces (TNI), Rahmadani noted.