President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has signed a law (UU) related to three New Autonomous Regions (DOB) in Papua. Following up on this, the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) formulated a mini Regional Revenues and Expenditures Budget (APBD) for the three new autonomous regions. Quoting https://, Deputy Minister of Home Affairs, John Wampi Wetipo, said that the mini APBD is planned to be used for the three new autonomous regions until the inauguration process in December 2022. After that, the acting governor will rearrange the APBD for the three new autonomous regions.

“We also formed the mini APBD to buy time, let’s say from today to December. Later, the Acting Officers will prepare the main APBD for 2023,” said Wempi in Central Jakarta, Tuesday (2/8/2022). Wempi hopes that the acting governors of the three new autonomous regions will be appointed before December.

He said the Ministry of Home Affairs had visited the Papua DOB area to do the mapping. “We hope that before December there will be (the Acting Governors of DOB). We had a road show yesterday on the 27th in Wamena and on the 28th in Merauke. We hope to see an earlier mapping in our trip,” said Wempi.

It is hoped that the three Papuan new autonomous regions will have government offices and work equipments before the upcoming 2024 gubernatorial election. “So that the offices are ready when the governor’s officials are appointed. Subsequently, equipments will be installed together with its offices so they are able to work in a two-year transition period while waiting for a definitive governor to be elected,” he said. Previously, Jokowi had signed a law (UU) on the formation of three new provinces in Papua. The three new provinces in Papua are South Papua, Central Papua, and Papua Highlands.

The signed laws are Law Number 14 of 2022 concerning the Establishment of the Province of South Papua, Law Number 15 of 2022 concerning the Establishment of the Province of Central Papua, and Law Number 16 of 2022 concerning the Establishment of the Province of Papua Highlands.

These three laws were signed by Jokowi on July 25, 2022. Based on the considerations of the three laws, the expansion of the territory in Papua Province needs to pay attention to the aspirations of the Papuan people in order to accelerate equitable development, improve public services, improve community welfare and raise the dignity of the Indigenous Papuans, especially in Merauke Regency, Boven Regency. Digoel, Mappi Regency, and Asmat Regency.

Papua and West Papua Regional Budgets of 2022

At the beginning of the year, the Papua Province’s APBD for the 2022 fiscal year was approved in the amount of Rp. 8.9 trillion, which was sanctioned by the Papuan DPR in the Plenary Meeting, Friday night of December 17, 2021. In the ratification of the Papua Province’s APBD for the 2022 fiscal year, as quoted from https:/ /, seven factions and the Papuan DPR Special Group approved the RAPBD and stipulated as a Regional Regulation (Perda) on the Papua Province APBD for the 2022 fiscal year.

Deputy Chairman I of the Papuan DPR, Yunus Wonda, also appealed to the Governor of Papua not to burden the people when trying to increase the Regional Revenue (PAD), considering that the Covid-19 pandemic is currently ongoing and it will put pressure on the people’s economy.

“In addition, we also appeal to all levels of the BUMD to continue exploring economic potentials that can earn profit so that they can contribute to the increase in PAD,” he stressed. However, for spending, continued Yunus Wonda, the Papuan DPR together with the Papuan Governor have approved the 2022 Fiscal Year’s Regional Expenditure budget of Rp. 9.8 trillion, a decrease of Rp. 7.7 trillion or 44.12% from the 2021 Fiscal Year of Rp. 17.5 trillion.. The decrease in the budget for 2022 is adjusted as a result of diminishing regional income.

As for funding, Yunus Wonda said that from the planned Regional Revenue of Rp. 8.9 trillion and Regional Expenditure of Rp. 9.8 trillion, the Papuan APBD for the 2022 budget year will have a budget deficit of Rp. 879.4 billion. Yunus Wonda also revealed that the 2022 budget deficit is planned to be covered from the remaining excess budget for the relevant year amounting to Rp. 679.4 billion and the disbursement of reserve funds of Rp. 300 billion, with financing expenditures of Rp. 100 billion.

Meanwhile, the structure of the West Papua Regional Budget for the 2022 Fiscal Year consists of total revenues of IDR 6.3 trillion. The details are from local revenues of Rp 95.2 billion, transfer income of Rp 6.2 billion, and other legitimate regional original income of Rp 1,618,155.00.

Meanwhile, expenditures will amount to Rp. 6.6 trillion, consisting of operational expenditures of Rp. 3.2 trillion, capital expenditures of Rp. 2.3 trillion, unexpected expenditures of Rp. 51.1 billion, transfer expenditures of Rp. 1.3 trillion, total surplus of Rp. 40.04 billion, and total financing receipts of Rp. 340.04 billion.

The Governor of West Papua, Dominggus Mandacan, expressed his appreciation to the leadership and members of the West Papua DPR for the hard work they did in discussing the trial materials, both discussions of non-APBD and APBD materials that were carried out internally and discussions carried out together with executives.