The farewell ceremony for Viktor Kaisiëpo was dignified and impressive. The church was chock-full. At a rough estimate about 1000 people were present. Besides Papua's a lot of representatives of organisations where present where Viktor maintained contacts with.
For a photoimpression of the ceremony: click on "read more"
After the ceremony vistors could condole the family and bring a last salute to Viktor. That was of course a long queue. In the mean time at the exit of the church there were lots of encounters and talks.
Many people went after the ceremony to Restaurant Houtrust in Hooglanderveen for a cosy gathering. An excellent meal was served. After 18:00 hours some musicans sat together and played Papua-music. The gathering was officially finished at 19:00 hours but it lasted until 20:00 hours before everyone was really gone.
Download the "ceremony program" in pdf: click here
Click here for a short photoimpression