West Papua, is the name of our country, which had didekelarasikan in 1961, complete with atribur State and government, should an independent state by the leading figures of Papua at the time, broadcast live by Radio Netherlands and Radio Australia.

Indonesia has never recognized the independence of Papua. contrary Indonesia launched a full assault with a weapon he got from Russia, through the contents of command TRIKORA read by Ir. Sukarno (First President of Indonesia), on the square Yogykarta on 19 December 1961. Indonesia claimed the island of Papua as their authority area.

Finally made the United States and other countries fear the Dutch Allies because of the position of Indonesia in Southeast Asia is very strategic for shipping and trade (economics), then the Staff Roberth Jhonson from American Security Council to send letter to Mr. Secret. Bundi Personal Assistant to President John. F. Kennedy on December 18, 1961 (when Indonesia was a military campaign) to immediately pressure the Dutch handed over administration of Papua into Indonesia and Papua remove Indigenous rights to self-determination in order to reduce the Communist Sukarno in Indonesia. Two weeks before the negotiations between the Netherlands and Indonesia on March 20, 1962 for settlement of problems Netherlands New Guinea, now we call the name of West Papua, there was also pressure to President John. F. Kennedy from the CIA, the Departments of State, Defense, the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, the Joint Staff, and NSA on March 7, 1962. Then they have pointed to the American diplomat who succeeded in silencing the Communist International, which Mr. Elsworth Bunker to be a mediator (mediator) between the Netherlands and Indonesia.

With the emphasis on American government through a secret letter to President Kenedy dated 2 April 1962, emphasized the Dutch government to accept the plan of Mr. Bunker, the Dutch were forced to sign the Treaty of New York on August 15, 1962 to submit the Administration Nederlands New Guinea to the UN Interim Government UNTEA (United Nations Temporary Executive Authority) on October 1, 1962. Then submitted again to Indonesia, with a record six years later in 1969 which should be Self-Determination to the people of the indigenous population of Papua.

Nation and ultimately the country of Papua tumbal made by the United States and its allies on economic interests and vigorous communist Understand soekarno embraced by that time. International mechanism to solve the problem Papua offered by Mr. Bunker, gave birth to a political conspiracy outstanding between Indonesia and the United States and its allies.

Prior to determination of the People's Opinions (PEPERA) in 1969, the United States in 1967 with Indonesia have signed a work contract, for mining operations in Timika, Papua region, which until now still beropersasi. With economic interests, the United States and its allies to ignore the basic rights of the Papua People's Nation PEPERA 1969 implementation mechanism.

The process of Self-Determination (Self Determination) have been implemented in Papua is one of the embarrassing process of the UN itself as the Organization for Justice and Human Rights Defenders in the world as well as Indonesia and the United States has participated violated the Civil Rights and Political Rights and Indigenous People of Papua as stated in the International Covenant on Civil Rights and Polik and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People. In addition, they also had violated the New York Agreement Article 18 "one man one vote", signed at the UN House on August 15, 1962 because the limit of 1026 participants, while the number of occupied Papua then 8000 people. The number of participants was 1026 people, consisting of Indigenous and non-indigenous population, and not performed according to international mechanisms.

On 1 May 1963, the Nation of Papua integrated through a mechanism that is not democratic in the frame of RI, since it is also the nation of Papua carved in the bitter history of the nation of Papua. Beginning from the Government of Papua in Indonesia to make the Military Operation Area (DOM); Delivery of Organic and Non-Force organic growing, murder of Papuan nation occurs everywhere in the physical and non physical, terjai Abuses in West Papua from various sides, from POLITICS, ECONOMIC, SOCIAL, CULTURAL, ENVIRONMENTAL PENGERUSAKAN, EDUCATION, HEALTH, ETC. Several aspects of crime committed against the nation of Papua Indonesi, sometimes a soft material for the campaign of foreign countries with a specific purpose, by certain circles.

This long history, has given us an overview to the nation of Papua, to determine the future fate of the nation of Papua, which is why we from the West Papua National Committee told The Papuan People's voice to all nations of the world that the 1969 PEPERA undemocratic and flawed international law, the referendum for the Indigenous People of Papua is the only best solution to determine the fate of the nation of Papua as stipulated in the International Covenant on civil and political rights.

By this we the people of Papua Nations declared attitude:

1. Rejecting a variety of mechanisms other than a referendum to resolve the issue of Papua (because we have the Papua People's National Learning, Seeing, experiencing and feeling the various mechanisms that offered the Indonesian Government to resolve the issue of Papua but has never found a bright spot for the fate of the Papua People, therefore, the people Bangsa Papua referendum vote as one - the only mechanism to resolve the issue of Papua.

2. Rejecting Dialogue Jakarta - Papua (because the dialogue is not the mechanism determining the fate of the Papua People's desired by the Nation of Papua)

3. The government demanded the United States; immediately responsible for mistakes and crimes against the nation of Papua.

4. Demanded by PT Freeport Indonesia firmly closed immediately from the Land of Papua. (because from the work of Freeport's contract in 1967 before the 1969 PEPERA 2 years done, there has been a political conspiracy between the U.S. and Indonesia to transfer the fate of the nation of Papua into Indonesia in the frame.

5. Demand that the Government of Indonesia; Immediately military pull-Organic and Non Organic from the Land of Papua (The reason that the massacres, killings and other human rights violations, occur in the soil because the soil of Papua Papua serve as the Military Operation Area (DOM)

6. Demand that the Government of Indonesia; immediately release detainees TAPOL & Papua (The reason a separatist rebellion and delegated to TAPOL & Papua detainees did not refer to the real meaning of the word "treason" & "separatist" because the detainees TAPOL & Papua is penjuang Democracy and Human Rights and Civil rights fighter & Politics as stipulated in the International Covenant.

7. Demand that the Government of Indonesia; Soon Perss open access for National and International (since perss have the freedom to cover the news is happening in various places on this earth and publish the full sense of responsibility and are guaranteed, protected and recognized by the law - international law, including Indonesia )

8. Demand that the Government of Indonesia; Immediately open the democratic space for human rights warrior (because of human rights struggle is not bound by place and time, so that should be given as free space - free as possible to human rights)

Thus this attitude statement made by the real and full sense of responsibility.

Port Numbay, March 18, 2010



Bucthar Tabuni
