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Publication of West Papua National Coalition for Liberation,
International Secretariat: 1571 Port Vila, Republic of Vanuatu, Tel. +678 774808, +61414149001

Skobedobe (Rational)
In normal situations in a free and democratic society open debate and stakeholders meetings to make in-formed decisions to accomplish credible and transparent outcomes is a norm. In West Papua it is very diffi-cult to have such open meetings. However, when required activists of the Movement took high risk to have meetings undercover from region to region to ascertain the wishes of the people. That was precisely what happened earlier in the year when West Papua National Coalition for Liberation applied for MSG member-ship. The application was initially supported by the 29 member organizations then a Committee circulated a sample letter of support to the other organizations for their endorsement. The result was overwhelming; leaders from 75 organization majority of them none political signed separate copies of the letter and send them to the MSG Secretariat in Vanuatu.
The remaining group whose view is vital for any national decisions is the Military Wing of the independence movement, the OPM. To get the views of, the regional commanders is not easy. Not only because of the difficult terrain and fast distances but because of ongoing campaign by the Indonesian Secret Service to discredit their existence and disrupt their effectiveness. Decisions and initiatives from the overseas based Political Wing must be carefully explained to convince them that this is not propaganda. Finally one by one they visited the Head Quarters to meet with the Commander who is also the Chairman of WPNCL to ex-press their support which are recorded in the enclosed DVD. With the endorsement of the Military Wing, the support by the stakeholders for WPNCL becoming a member of MSG is complete.
[The DVD is produced by the Military Wing and still needs editing for International work. Any queries please contact the Secretary General, Rex Rumakiek on +61-414149001 or Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.].

Purpose of visit
Firstly, the Chairman Richard Joweni (Brig. Gen, TPN) wishes to personally thank Rt. Hon.Prime Minister Moana Carcasses Kalosil, Vanuatu government and the people of Vanuatu on behalf of the people of West Papua for their unwavering support to our cause. The address by Hon. Carcasses at this year’s UN General Assembly had been spread around West Papua as good news after 50 years of violent repression and UN silence. The relationship between Vanuatu and the West Papuan Independence movement started well be-fore independence and continued on after independence. There were noticeable achievements since he was elected as Chairman of WPNCL in 2008. Immediately after the Papuan Leader’s Summit in April 2008 Vanuatu put West Papua on the agenda of MSG Ministerial meeting held in Vanuatu. The matter however could not proceed further due to personal intervention by a senior member of MSG. Secondly, the Chair-man wishes to acknowledge that under the former government of Hon. Eduard,N. Natapei a Bill of Parlia-ment was passed in 2010 to cement the support for West Papua. Thirdly, the Chiarman also acknowl-edged the leadership of Hon. Carcasses and Hon. Natapei whose government persistently push for WPNCL to become member of MSG; the same support Vanuatu had provided to FLNKS in deviant of op-position by the French government. It took almost 5 years before FLNKS was admitted as member.

While in the country Brig. Gen. Richard Joweni and delelgation had also participated in the 1st of December flag raising ceremony together with the people of Vanuatu. The flag was raised after Sunday service at PMC where the Chairman thanked Vanuatu people for their prayers and political support. He also thanked the Pacific Conference of Churches for welcoming back the West Papuan Church to join the Ecumenical body.During this year’s WCC Conference in Seul, South Korea the West Papua Church was declared member again of PCC and also the WCC. West Papua was a founding member of these two Eucumenical bodies. The same as the South Pacific Commission West Papua’s active participation in these Indstitutions was prohibited by Indonesia since the occupation of the Territory in 1963.

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister Hon. Eduard N. Natapei told the gathering the difficulties Vanuatu faced in the region in its efforts to advance the West Papuan cause. The Minister however, reiterated the commitment of the current government to do more. The Moderator of the Presbyterian Church stressed the importance of continued support by the people through their prayers and support for the government’s efforts. Minister of Lands, Hon. Ralph Regenvanu MP and President of National Council of Chiefs were also in attendance. A number of representatives from Samoa, Tahiti, Aotearoa and Southsea Islanders of Queensland who were here for PCC activites have also participated. Pastor Allan Navuki, Chairman of Vanuatu Free West Papua Association (VFWA) conducted the ceremony.


Firstly, Chairman Richard Joweni (Brig. Gen. TPN) wishes to thank Commodore Voreqe Banimarama Prime Minister of Fiji and former Chairman of MSG for his initiative to put West Papua on the MSG agenda. It must be acknowledged that during his term as Chairman many progress had been achieved. The wisdom of inclusive Melanesia is clearly shown in his initiatives including the issue of West Papua. Under his lead-ership MSG has grown from strength to strength. It is now becoming a sub-regional institution that is al-ready showing leadership in Pacific regional politics. Secondly, Mr. Richard Joweni wishes to confer with Ratu Inoke Kubuabola Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation about the high expectation and preparations by West Papuan people to welcome the MSG Ministerial visit to West Papua. Hon. Ratu Inoke Kubuabola was to head the MSG delegation to visit Indonesia and West Papua. The Chairman was in Fiji for 2 days but due to communication problems he was not able to meet the Minister in person; the Minister was overseas. Thirdly, WPNCL is looking to Fiji as big brother for guidance to become a more productive member once we are accepted into this Subregional Institution. As we have stated in our appli-cation we like to shoulder the same responsibilities for the security and wellbeing of the people of Melane-sia and the Pacific.

Mr. Richard Joweni (Brig. Gen. TPN) wishes to personally thank Hon. Prime Minister Gordon Dalsy Lilo for his support for West Papua in the historic Summit in Noumea, Kanaky. No one can take away the memory of that moment when in that International forum he expressed his feelings about an issue that according to him is an unfinished decolonization issue that must be resolved. Indeed, 50 years of subjugation is too long and has taken too many innocent lives. Another great leader of these beautiful islands, the Late Prime Minister Solomon Mamaloni once told visiting OPM Chairman the Late Brig. Gen. Seth Rumkorem and delegation in 1996, “your struggle is our struggle, if our generation does not do anything about it forever future generations will condemn us.” Prime Minister Gordon Dalsy Lilo remembered that visit well because at the time he was the Economic Planning Officer in Solomon Mamaloni’s government.

Chairman Richard Joweni (Brg. Gen. TPN) acknowledged the fact that this year for the first time the government of Rt. Hon. Peter O’Neill admitted openly the concern of leaders and the people of this country about the harrowing conditions next door. The Chairman and the leaders of WPNCL and TPN Military Countil wish PNG government could do more in assisting us finding a just solution sooner than later. Because the reality is socio economic influence expand further afield beyond border markers on the map. Many Asiatic values are already taking roots; one has only to vist Jayapura or Merauke not far from the border and will understand what these mean for the future generations in PNG. The security concern is more worrysome by the day. There has been hundreds of serious cases across the border since PNG’s independence of which TPN knew very well and had assisted PNG in some cases. As we have promised in our application that we wish to do more because emotionally we feel attached to this country and its people.

WPNCL still enjoy strong relations that OPM had established with the Kanak leaders of this country long before the establishment of FLNKS. Current leaders fully understand WPNCL because they themselves had been through the same process. They had many political Parties and there had been serious conflicts between them but in the end they realized that the national cause is too important and ideological differ-ences should not be a hinderance. When we submited our application for membership the current Chair-man Mr. Victor Tutugoro was very pleased that we made the move. He likened our case as “a long lost Son returning home to his rightful family.” We will continue to build on this relationship until the time when we will see the need for an agreement of mutual interest.